During the Memorial Day trip to Sedona we were able to find a lot of new things that we had never seen before. We found a couple of the secret caves. Finding these caves took a lot of research online and map studying, as well as reviewing gpx files that we found online. Even that wasn’t enough. We still had to find the caves on our own by some trial and error.
On one of our hikes, we spent about 10 hours hiking in backcountry areas, most of which was through dense manzanita. It was tough hiking, took a long time to get places, and everybody came away with dozens of scratches. We probably aren’t going to do that again. In addition, it was a hot day and some of the group began to run out of water. Luckily, we were able to get out of the sun by going into cool caves and alcoves to avoid the heat.
Check out the Sedona Caves Gallery for pictures.